March 30, 2007

What the hell took you so long?

Sometimes, I really wonder why I should be proud to be part of a nation who's deeply rooted in bigotry, greed and inanity.
Do you?
This is just ridiculous.
60 years after the fact, the United States honors and "thanks" the Tuskegee Airmen.
A friend of mine emailed me an article about this, and all I could think was
"Well, I guess now is as good a time is any to reach out for that black vote".
Pretty cynical, huh? But can you blame me.
60 Fucking years?
Dad's gone now, with about 70 or 80% of the rest of them.
I'm not bitter. I'm not. I'm just disgusted.
They have been honored in many other ways, by many other dignitaries, with a hell of a lot more sincerity than this frat boy. But I guess Dubya's gonna try and get SOMEONE'S approval.
And 60 years later, G-dub gets to say "Thank you"??


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